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This page are miscellaneous of various things that do not belong to a certain category.

Ethereum Istanbul hard fork

Those are some supporting specifications for Istanbul hard fork.


This section describes a specification, with identifier 50-SELFBALANCE. (Discuss)

This section provides a standalone specification for the SELFBALANCE opcode.


A new opcode, SELFBALANCE is introduced at 0x47.

  • SELFBALANCE pops 0 arguments off the stack,

  • SELFBALANCE pushes the balance of the current address to the stack,

  • SELFBALANCE is priced as GasFastStep, at 5 gas.

Aztlan fix

This section describes a specification, with identifier 49-AZTLANFIX. (Discuss)

This provides a specification as a "fix" to the current Aztlan hard fork. That is, it can be applied after Aztlan to fix the current problems.


After HARD_FORK_BLOCK, apply the following changes:

  • Disable EIP-2200, and enable EIP-1283 with EIP-1706.

  • Enable 50-SELFBALANCE.

Aztlan redo

This section describes a specification, with identifier 51-AZTLANREDO. (Discuss)

This provides a specification that "redo" Aztlan hard fork. This assumes that Aztlan will not go through, and a new specification will take its place.


After HARD_FORK_BLOCK, apply the following changes.